用于正确组装和包装的常用标识符会带颜色:我们的视觉颜色传感器VISOR® Object Color能够可靠地检测到错误的药片是否进入了吸塑包装。我们的发光传感器FT 50 UV会发现任何缺少包装说明书的包装。对于化妆品而言,生产失误虽然很少发生悲剧,但始终如一的质量仍然是重中之重。例如可以在我们VISOR® Object的帮助下检查口红的尺寸精度。
The following application examples show you the possible uses of our products in practice.
When manufacturing ball bearings, it is vital to know that the bearing has the full number of balls. The aim of the application is to inspect a ball bearing after assembly to ensure it is complete.
In high-performance bottling plants, tens of thousands of bottles can be transported on conveyor belts every hour. With the help of robots, the PET bottles are automatically placed on the conveyor line. Depending on whether the belt is free or not, the robot should place additional PET bottles on the conveyor line. An optical detection system should monitor whether the conveyor line is free or occupied in a certain area (area monitoring) and provide the robot with a trigger signal.
When filling glass bottles or labelling bottles, it is essential to be sure that the bottle is present under the tool in the machine.